Receive fresh flowers

with our floral subscription

Start every week with a fresh bouquet delivered to your door. Say goodbye to wilted grocery store blooms and welcome seasonal flowers every Monday.


Creating Events

with Elegance and Style

West Avenue is more than just a one-stop shop for luxury flowers. It’s events and special memories, weddings, and any event you might have.




Customer Satisfaction is Our Only Goal

Received a stunning arrangement for my birthday today! My sister said the team at the store was extremely helpful and pleasant!

Lisa Prunty

I received an arrangement today from my husband for our anniversary! Just stunning! He mentioned they couldn’t have been more pleasant.

Maya Lisa

These flowers are gorgeous! The team was so awesome to work with, very friendly and provide exceptional work.I know my friend is going to love these!

Fatme Salameh

The most amazing flowers money can buy! West Aves customer service is unmatched! Every time I have an idea the West Ave team makes it happen.

Miranda Fardous

Best floral shop around! West Avenue never disappoints I’ve bought arrangements from them a couple times now and it gets better every time.

Nana Arbid

Always a great place to get flowers for any/all occasions! So many different techniques and designs I've never seen before!

Viktoria Blair


Fresh flowers and guaranteed happiness every time!

Always Fresh

We source only the freshest flowers from local farms.


Expertly Handpicked, Beautifully Arranged.


Expertly cared for to ensure premium quality.


Always honest, ethical, and professional.